FORMA V Vaginal Wellness

January 31, 2023

We are so excited to now able to offer the Inmode FormaV vaginal wellness treatment which uses non-invasive, sub-dermal heating technology for feminine health. All our Nurses have had extensive training with inmode on the Forma V, radio frequency which heats up the tissues, strengthens the pelvic floor muscles which results in an improved control in stress urinary incontinence. It also helps to tighten the muscles in the vaginal wall and improves vaginal dryness. The Forma V can also be used externally to improve the loss of collagen to the labia majora. There is very little downtime due to its precise technology and deep-layer targeting of the skin. Slight redness in the treatment area is common post-procedure, which subsides within a few hours. The procedure takes 45 minutes and results can be seen 2 weeks after just one treatment however some women may need up to 3.

The first 5 women will receive the 1st treatment for 1/2 price £225.